Of course, everything derails into some sort of inane flame session.
I'm not worked up at all. Just playing along.
I've actually been enjoying helping you into your pinata position on the forum, lately.
You weren't this dumb before. But now you ask for it. I think my change to Team Sugargirl might be permanent.
It's not blindness, dumbass. I know some of what she knows.
I also know a whole lot of what you don't know.
I know for a fact that you have no post secondary education. I also have my doubts about whether you even finished highschool, judging from your cough storytelling. You don't even know how to properly plot your lame attempts at genre fiction.
You're the fool. The longer you spend trying to tell yourself that you're smarter than people who are smarter than you, the more foolish you look to everybody.