"S: I like being alone or with a few good friends and Internet friends (that come with an off switch). O: I like being where people are. I do not care so much about close relationships, friendships are fluent. (Internet friends, takem or leavem)."
I like being where people are, and I care about close relationships with a few good friends. It's fun to go places with people I can cling to or tangent towards if I need a break from the event itself, plus going to something by myself isn't quite as fun from the lack of commentary potential. S/O.
"S: I prefer cats. O: I prefer dogs, especially obedient ones."
I prefer Basenjis, which is almost like the union of cat and dog. S/O.
"S: I like music with a quite simple beat, and I prefer minor scales. O: I like complex beats and major scales."
I like both? S/O.
"S: I prefer starches. O: I prefer proteins."
I like potatoes with my meat, a bun with my steak patty, how complimentary the two are together. To have one without the other makes what's left worse. S/O.
"S: I tend to be non-spiritual. O: I'm sure that there is more to life than this!"
Nihilist, so S.
"S: I'm fascinated by stars, the moon, comets, meteors. O: I prefer street lights."
They both cast light. That matters to me more than the two being different from one another. S/O.
"S: I have lots of weird stuff. Everywhere O: I am tidy minimalist."
I have lots of weird stuff back at my folk's place from when I was still living there, but they for the most part collect dust while I carry with me what little I need. I like to collect a small piece of everywhere I go to form a collection of "Memory Totems" to help keep those experiences fresher in my mind, but it's more like a museum of things that never get used that, these days, I don't even really look at anymore. My environment despite said toteming is about a clean work space to keep my mind more focused, but there are a lot of things I hold onto to keep the past alive. S/O.
"S: I am happy when I am creative. O: I am happy when I buy things."
Buying (or otherwise receiving) things stimulates my creativity. S/O.
"S: I could easily go outside with green pants, orange shoes, purple shirt and pink hair. O: I like to blend in and use what is seen as standard clothes."
I like a combo of the two. Something unexpected is the perfect highlight to otherwise dull attire, such as having my hair long and curly and wearing goggles with a fairly typical hoody, a shirt from somewhere like Thinkgeek or a show I went to, that sort of thing. It has me stand out within a small group but not within a large crowd, which to me is the perfect midground for both comfort and aesthetics. S/O.
"S: When I'm around many people, like public transportation I, go inside and daydream. O:... Get annoyed by others or look out for dangers."
Paranoia is my near-constant companion, so O is the clearly stronger lean. O.
Well look at that, an equal number of O's and S's.
S: I like being alone or with a few good friends and Internet friends (that come with an off switch). O: I like being where people are. I do not care so much about close relationships, friendships are fluent. (Internet friends, takem or leavem).
S: I prefer cats. O: I prefer dogs, especially obedient ones.
S: I like music with a quite simple beat, and I prefer minor scales. O: I like complex beats and major scales.
S: I prefer starches. O: I prefer proteins.
S: I tend to be non-spiritual. O: I'm sure that there is more to life than this!
S: I'm fascinated by stars, the moon, comets, meteors. O: I prefer street lights.
S: I have lots of weird stuff. Everywhere O: I am tidy minimalist.
S: I am happy when I am creative. O: I am happy when I buy things.
S: I could easily go outside with green pants, orange shoes, purple shirt and pink hair. O: I like to blend in and use what is seen as standard clothes.
S: When I'm around many people, like public transportation I, go inside and daydream. O:... Get annoyed by others or look out for dangers.
Count how many S's you get and how many O's and let me know... XD
Going by your closest match responses or whichever ones I thought would be your closest match, turncoat, your score should be:
S = 3
O = 7
Same as me by the look of things, but whose to say how accurate it is. You are far too analytical for your own good.
I can only imagine how frustrating it would be to know you in real life, or to even be you. It's no fucking wonder you tried to kill yourself.