I've been thinking of producing super-cheap ARM based linux all in one's lately, 24 inch 720p/1080p panels, qualcomm snapdragon 410 (the chip is like 20$, quad core, and snappy as fuck), 2 gb of ram, and either ubuntu or manjaro (arch linux for begginers) preinstalled. Since there's Office 365 and openoffice it'll work great for office use, it supports android so plenty of gaymen, it can playback 1080p so multimedia use too, not to mention programming and embedded system development, I can bring the costs down to 199$ by omitting IPS and a few more non-trivial features. Or reduce the size to 19.5 inch and make it 149$ (without keyboard, mouse, and warranty). Gon get rich boi
Syst: "Me watching public chat"
So we're these retards playing pretend while you're the mature, serious security guard? Last time I checked you were with the kids playing pretend RPG video games.
I doubt anyone here genuinely sees you as the mature guardian around us all lame nerds, so posting stuff like this doesn't reinforce the image you're trying to project here...