No one is shy to criticise something like this, you might have noticed. The criticism comes when people extrapolate the actions of a deranged few to represent the thoughts and intents of 1.57 billion people. That's simplistic and absurd.
Islam (or a distortion thereof) has a role to play in this event, but of greater significant are the roles of politics, global climate, disenfranchisement, mental illness and the growing wealth divide we see between the West and others. Islam is just the plastic wrapping.
Muslims have a propensity for terrorism, just like how southern whites in the 1930s had a propensity for racial violence. Whites have become some of the most compassionate and altruistic (too altruistic) people in the world after many blanket criticisms. I do not expect Muslims to do the same, but they should be criticized. They also need to condemn terrorism or other Muslims having terroristic motivations.