Maybe a knock on their door would have been a better approach to bringing the situation to their attention?
dead cat
This is triggering
How do you even start that conversation? And then the grief. Too sticky. I like to shoot and scoot.This wasn't even intentional innuendo but I'm gonna leave it in.
Reminds me of when I had to scrape my puppy off of the road when I was 9. It looked a lot like that.
My neighbours cat got mauled by a stray and died in my backyard. Put it in their letterbox so they could bury it. Cops show up the following day because they thought someone killed it as a threat.No good deed goes unpunished.
All the squishiness...pushed out the holes. Including da poopz.
Ejaculate and evacuate.
New word spawned: "evaculate."
Sheet and skeet?