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Why People Don't Like Reaper, As Requested By Reaper

"According to sugar's logic, nobody in real life tells you're delusional. Therefore, the fact that no-one has told her could mean she is delusional and not even know it. Which is completely illogical.

If I actually believed sugar was serious and not just trolling, I'd ask her how people who actually are delusional managed to get on anti-psychotic medication if no-one was willing to tell them they're delusional, but since I know sugar is full of shit (as usual) I don't need to ask."

not what i said. i said your therapist is unlikely to say 'you're delusional'. if i believed you weren't a semi retarded hog, i might answer you by saying there are many ways to suggest a patient go on anti-psychotics without explicitly calling them delusional.

Posts: 5426
Why People Don't Like Reaper, As Requested By Reaper

I meant Yes instead of Yet... Edited it.

So how do you do it, with the avi?

Posts: 3246
Why People Don't Like Reaper, As Requested By Reaper

"Also, Trypt... No way TK has been an intentional troll all this time. How can you even believe someone can keep this up for years."

Hopefully my post above yours clears up what I meant by that.

Posts: 5426
Why People Don't Like Reaper, As Requested By Reaper

As for this topic, TK is a magnet with repetitive patterns. She draws in users here with her antics while almost never really changing up her game.

Yes, you just replied to two of her threads, "Who are you really" and "Why do you frequent this forum".

TK brings more things to the table than most here, so I don't get the whining about repetition. There are posters here who seem way more limited in personality than TK, just hanging around to troll or say one liners in chat.

Also, Trypt... No way TK has been an intentional troll all this time. How can you even believe someone can keep this up for years.

Posts: 10218
Why People Don't Like Reaper, As Requested By Reaper

"Yet you just replied to two of her threads, "Who are you really" and "Why do you frequent this forum"."
I didn't say I was above being drawn in.

She is consistent to a scary degree, almost like a sophisticated bot script at points.

Posts: 3246
Why People Don't Like Reaper, As Requested By Reaper

"So basically you think she's just an elaborate troll who's committed enough to the bit to never break character?

As for this topic, TK is a magnet with repetitive patterns. She draws in users here with her antics while almost never really changing up her game."

I wouldn't say "elaborate," but clearly a decent portion of what she says is intended to egg people on. The woman claims to be a sociopath, and honestly I don't find that hard to believe. Antisocial personality disorder, as classified by the ICD-10, is indicated by at least three of these criteria:


1. Callous unconcern for the feelings of others;

This seems evident.

2. Gross and persistent attitude of irresponsibility and disregard for social norms, rules, and obligations;

She abuses her country's welfare system for personal gain with no intention of being a productive member of society, and uses the tax dollars to brag about it here. She's also a pathological liar.

3. Incapacity to maintain enduring relationships, though having no difficulty in establishing them;

I've spoken with her on Skype several times, and she's a pleasant conversationalist. I think most others who have spoken with her would agree with me. I find it difficult to believe she could not form friendships, yet (to my knowledge) she has no actual friends.

4. Very low tolerance to frustration and a low threshold for discharge of aggression, including violence;

Time and time again, we've all seen her frustrated over matters most others would brush off.

5. Incapacity to experience guilt or to profit from experience, particularly punishment;

Can't really tell on a forum.

6. Marked readiness to blame others or to offer plausible rationalizations for the behavior that has brought the person into conflict with society.

Hard to know over the Internet.


It looks to me like she meets every criterion for AsPD that can gleaned from our time here on this forum. Her trolling is less about being a character, and more along the lines of using her character as bait. All she has to do is say something like "maybe I have, maybe I haven't" about killing, and viola—she has the spotlight.

Posts: 10218
Why People Don't Like Reaper, As Requested By Reaper

Thrill Kill: "You'll never really know me, so who cares."
If someone did really know you, do you think they'd have the potential to actually hurt you?

Tryptamine: "Many people here make the mistake of taking many of Reaper's statements as sincere reflections of her sentiments, despite that she is a self-professed pathological liar and troll who enjoys being the center of attention."
So basically you think she's just an elaborate troll who's committed enough to the bit to never break character?

As for this topic, TK is a magnet with repetitive patterns. She draws in users here with her antics while almost never really changing up her game.

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