So, when does this place get updated? The search engine, the quoting function, the glitch fixes, all the basic shit that used to be available on the old SC, are now gone. SC v 2 feels like a decayed version of SC v 1, and decay is much worse than stagnation.
My feeling is that Luna doesn't even mention our pain for having to deal with this site to Michael as often as she should. Given that obviously Michael is the only one who knows his way around the site's coding and can make any decisions about it, we need to take our issue straight to him.
Michael's email is: [email protected]. If spammed enough maybe he'll get off his high horse and at least stop being an asshole too proud to let others correct and improve his work.
From what I understood, whatever Jimmy writes and suggests is going to be checked by Michael before it gets implemented. I trust Michael and Luna to be lazy, not stupid or that easily fooled.
I hope at least as a belated Christmas present Michael will bless us with some attention from his mighty high clouds XD