- How do you see yourself? What are your strengths and weaknesses?
I've been through a lot of hardship in my life, so I consider myself a strong person. Not being a very emotional person has helped a lot too.
I have high self-esteem, but a little too much self-confidence, which has gotten me into trouble at times because I have a tendency to take on more than I can handle sometimes.
I think my biggest weakness is my anger and aggression, because it breeds hostility. I have a lot of anger issues.
- Does the image you present here (on this forum) match the image you present to the real world, or are there differences? If so, what are they?
Yeah, there are differences. I tend to fake a lot of who I really am off the net in order to blend in, and I'm not as open with my true thoughts in real life.
Online, where there is a certain amount of anonymity, I can be myself and say what I really think. I know I can be very callous towards others and that offends people, but I really don't give a shit. I'm not obligated to care how anyone else feels.
- Do you have any plans for the future, any hopes, goals, dreams, ambitions? What are they?
Aside from going to the US one day for certain reasons, not really. I tend to focus more on the here and now than any potential future event.
- We are all going to die eventually. If you could choose your own death at a certain age, how would you prefer to die?
Sometimes I think I'd like to just die peacefully at old age and other times I think I'd rather go out with a bang and take a lot of people down with me. I'm not ready to die yet though.
Whatever happens, happens.
- Do you care about being remembered after you're gone, by society or the world at large?
Nope. Once I'm dead I don't give a fuck who remembers me. It won't matter an ounce of shit.
- What would you want engraved on your tombstone?
Born to be wild, Died to be free