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something that isn't just a "white" thing to think.

What about whiteness means you shouldn't think about race? Blacks will call it 'white privilege'.

If they're spending time telling me who I am because of the color of my skin instead of traits about the me underneath that or blaming me for things others that share my hue have done by lumping me in as "one of them", I'm probably not having a real conversation with them.

Blacks will tell you how ignorant about race you are and how privileged the white person is. And they will say how 'race blindness' is the 'new' racism.

Posts: 1581
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All of them will?

Of course not all of them. But some will. And there's a good chance you're called one if you stand in a room with black (or white) feminists.

Why does that matter? Who cares?

Let me tell you this: the CEO of Mozilla was fired because he donated $100 to supporting an anti gay marriage bill.

Posts: 10218
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"Of course not all of them. But some will. And there's a good chance you're called one if you stand in a room with black (or white) feminists."
If people are willing to try to find reasons to not want to talk to me, I'll find others who actually are willing to instead.

"Let me tell you this: the CEO of Mozilla was fired because he donated $100 to supporting an anti gay marriage bill."
So? I don't know that guy.

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by being anti-racist?

Posts: 10218
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"What about whiteness means you shouldn't think about race? Blacks will call it 'white privilege'."
All of them will?

"Blacks will tell you how ignorant about race you are and how privileged the white person is. And they will say how 'race blindness' is the 'new' racism."
Why does that matter? Who cares? Enough people won't do that to make this not a problem to me.

Posts: 1581
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 You are sensitive about what others think of you. Your concern about rejection and ridicule cause you to feel shy and uncomfortable around others. You are easily embarrassed and often feel ashamed. Your fears that others will criticize or make fun of you are exaggerated and unrealistic,

This isn't really that true on the internet. This is more true IRL.

Posts: 1581
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I'm the sort to care about the individual rather than the demographic.

Conservatives are the ones who generally care more about the individual than the demographic. Liberals (esp. black liberals) are the ones who focus more on 'white privilege' and make everything about race.

Posts: 10218
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These topics are about your IRL views.

You have a pretty warped view on politics, and the way it's warped seems to fit snugly next to your test results.

Posts: 10218
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You're taking this way too seriously. How often do these issues come up towards you in your daily life? Do you personally see it portrayed from anywhere other than the media, or is this just you parroting news articles that scare you?

It sounds like fear.

"Why are you liberal on racial issues today?"
Because the views don't match yours that makes them "liberal"?

I'm the sort to care about the individual rather than the demographic.

Posts: 1581
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How is my view warped...? Because I disagree with you? I could say your views are warped too, but political views are political views and they are each...views...and...there's no objective standard of whether a view is warped because every view substantially different from one's own is warped...? But I have seen some people get

Not sure.  How is my view warped?

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