Five Values I Live By
1. Honesty about being honest/my "word". I am perfectly willing to lie, but if I say I am telling the truth, I am and I never give my word/swear to something unless I mean it.
2. Egalitarianism. Inequalities between people are either physical or mental. Everything else is just stupid shit people without physical/mental merits made up to feel superior to others. (Race/gender/sex/sexuality/romantic interest/religion/etc has no bearing on whether any individual is inherently better or worse than any other individual for any reason. Most stereotypes can apply to anyone.).
3. Omnivorism. Life kills other life to sustain itself, humans are part of life on this planet, not distinct or above it. Veganism is a stupid, deadly, and hypocritical lifestyle based on a misunderstanding and/or ignorance of the natural world. I am not against vegetarians.
4. Respect for life is a good idea. Taking any life should only be done to survive (self-defense, eat, clothe yourself, build a shelter, etc), and be done with respect for the life taken.
5. Don't get greedy; that's where they all go wrong.
5.5 Fairness is a good idea. Even animals have an inborn sense of fairness, so there's gotta be something to it...
Five Values I'd Like To Live By
1. Food is just fuel (Delicious, delicious fuel...dammit!!)
2. Better environmental consciousness
3. ?
4. Profit
Five Values I Don't Want To Live By
Pretty much all of the rest of them are social-grease garbage that is well-enough just faked, or better off ignored.