I've noticed we've got some really talented writers here. I was just giving angee a tips in chat, and I thought maybe we could have a thread for different tips.
- Angee, imagine you're in wonderland, and try to describe what you're seeing from all the senses, write down everything you come up with. Making a pile of words, imagine it like a box of sand that you're filling - in order to get material to build a castle
And a list of question one can ask the characters to get to know them:
- What would mentally destroy your character?
- How does your character feel about his mother and father?
- When did your character feel completely loved and accepted?
- What would have to happen to make your character speak out, or, defend a stranger, in public?
- What does he lie about?
- Does your character need friends?
- What physical thing does your character fear most?
- If your character could choose to spend his last day alive with one person (dead or alive), who would he choose?
- What is his defining strength?
- Is he able to work for someone else?
- Does your character have a positive or negative body image?
- Who, or what, would your character die for?
- Does your character have a plan for tomorrow? Next week? Next year?
- Is your character resilient enough to change?