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10 / 43 posts

Women, what are they?

Posts: 424

Post videos or pictures that defines what it is to be a woman:

... I'll be back with more! :D

Posts: 3882
Women, what are they?

"Well, what do you mean when you say lesbians are faking it?"


Posts: 34
Women, what are they?

Posts: 3882
Women, what are they?

You are just blowing your cover more and more it seems with each day

Posts: 148
Women, what are they?
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Posts: 424
Women, what are they?

Oh my whaaa, that is hilarious! ... And the woman at the end, what a freak :')

Posts: 420
Women, what are they?

Improvised sexplosive devices.

Posts: 2358
Women, what are they?

The irony, I guess, in this video is that it was found on some channel called "PLAYBOY STRESS."

Posts: 2216
Women, what are they?

Why ?

Posts: 10218
Women, what are they?

"And the white knights. These guys are trying to get laid, so they wave around signs supporting their feminist friends, who will not be dating them over their deeds or for any reason. They will be used and will have to learn the hard way not to condemn their own gender while being the very thing their feminist friends are dismantling."
This is the only reason?

    10 / 43 posts
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