"you know not everyone who is vicious or bitchy has some sort of inner crisis and is empty inside."
Yeah, actually, that's pretty much exactly what it means. If you (a person, not just you) were well-adjusted and happy with everything then shit like this wouldn't trigger spite and/or a petty need to deride and attempt to inflict emotional discord. Happy, well adjusted people aren't assholes, only people who learned shitty coping mechanisms because of "some sort of inner crisis" are. The moar u kno.
Yeah, dull people exist, but happy, well-adjusted folks just ignore them, or sometimes, even take positive actions to change what they don't like.
You're fucked up, just like everyone else here, buddy. You're on a sociopath website, pretending to be a sociopath (probably a narcissist, if not just generally "Fucked in the Head: Not Otherwise Specified") and trying to derive some sort of personal satisfaction by slinging silly, half-assed insults around like a toddler who got a time out. Such well adjusted. Much happy. Wow.
I made this thread because it amused me, and since this board has no guidelines for posts, I can post whatever I want as long as it doesn't 'ruin the usability of this site', regardless if some rando thinks it's a good enough topic (If you were really surprised about how silly my post was, perhaps google what my name means.). More to the point, no one's twisting your arm. If you don't like this thread, go look at another one. Maybe one of the multitudinous other threads on here that might be more worth your time. Perhaps one about how faggots and niggers are the cause of everyone's problems, there's a lot of those. Maybe look at one of the Turncoat-knows-how-many threads about songs. You could go see Jim's "My New Knee Socks" post, total quality there.
Next time, just take a midol and don't have your period on my thread.