So I might be asking a question that is a no-brainer for people who are sociopathic, but for empaths it's usually difficult to apologize or tell someone how much they mean to you. For example, often we won't fully express to someone how much they mean to us until an extreme situation presents itself, such as a sudden accident and the person will soon die as a result. I'm not sure what the reason is. I think it's fear, but I think fear has many shades- I don't think it's the same fear as someone pulling a gun on you. Anyway, do sociopaths feel that type of connection that would create an inner urge to tell someone close to them, like a parent, in a situation like being near death that they were meaningful to them? Or do they have it to a smaller intensity, or is there no connection and everyone is no different than the stranger walking down the street (I don't think this is the case, but that's just a guess)?
Basically, empaths usually only FULLY express how much someone means to them in extreme cases, like the person is lying on the ground and is about to die. Do sociopaths have that same thing going on, like they don't fully express how much someone means to them until a situation like this? Or is this a dumb question and they either don't ever hold back and therefore feel there's nothing they would need to say to the person that's about to die, or is there no real feeling within that really cares if the person lives or dies and therefore wouldn't feel the urge to tell them such a thing? Or something totally different. Okay, that's enough 'or' situations. Thoughts?