And now for me profiling people
"King panda will rule them all one day... one day..." -Smithforce
Smithforce/panda is overall a good guy/panda. He seems quite receptive to other people's intentions. He also is a bit of a flirt. Like the Bill Clinton of SC, he has had more than one affair. But like Bill Clinton, you know life and country are doing pretty good if your biggest issue is a dude getting his dick sucked.
"13, female, looking for NARC SUPPL[rest omitted]" - Mirage
Mirage goes hard or goes home crying and smashed. While he has his thoughtful moments, he also argues a lot, usually without reason. His chief beef in life is that he's too driven. He also prides him self on being physically fit, and he either has gauges, or just one gauge, we can't tell.
Jim savage
"Also you've officially hit my max age, so we'll just be Gentoo friends from now on." - Jim savage
Jim savage is papa smurf with turban. Armed with a kebab shooting AK and an absolutely absurd amount of spare time, he prowls the bowels of the www searching for people to fuck with. I still think his alleged inability to take anything seriously is just him softening us up for the day he actually says something he means.
Buttered Toast
"If I buttered both sides it would ruin my antigravity device." - Buttered Toast
Buttered toast is a smart fellow. It also has yet to assume a gender, so for now we can use it to refer to it. Buttered Toast has a space in his name, which is fairly rare to see. He also knows a fair amount about porn and quantum mechanics. As proof of his knowledge in both fields, he built a toast levitation device. He is quite thoughtful at times, which makes him fun to converse with.