Butthole Surfers. You know you love it. :)
I miss him too. But we can still pretend that we are he and he is we while we chew on groovy grasses and overdose on OhMegas.
Ssshhh. The Terra Cotta Army is marching. Lemme suck some gummy bear smoke out of that hookah bro.
We'll dance while our new brains grow. Hit it maestro.
If we're still alive tomorrow we can get married. I'll be your Eva and you can be my Adolf <3
Thank you for listening, hope you enjoyed, have fun guys/girls :)
If you didn't listen well that's a'okay as well.
Indifference sets in
<3 Love. Just remember love. Your soul.
Good day to you as well brethren.
You can call me a tramp all day 24/7 that sound fair? For "annoying" you so much. Irritable brats.
Infants, some of you. just FIT IN. GOD. :)
I can enjoy really even though I'm schizoid really can briefly, but it's mostly all thinking.
Whoops someone just took a dump on SC, WHO CARES.
Ahhhhhhhhh.......... Muted. Bot. ;)
What would YOU do? (teary face):
Awwwww. The joys of life. Return.
Loaded on particles that interact with your neurons, play with them, a play notes of reality like playing a piano.
Tragic, trollface.
So long. I live atop the incredibly beautiful glass tower. Good luck.
;) Only joking! I wish!
So about wealth and material worth gain, is it important to you guys?
Or dominace, power?
Whatever dudes, do be ever so dumb, would you kindly?
How important? No half truths or lies. ;)
Delusions of grandeur and the rest of it, blah blah blah blah.
Paranoia leaves me.
The game. With a driving spirit on autopilot.
Teardrop. Rules? Humph!
Goes back to sleep, takes a hit from the bong. Muddled routine.
Then the world just whacks out more and more goddammit. Familiar doom?
Vacuumed reality. Warped ffs. My experience of manufactured normality has been rocky lately.
LIFE. Usually a bummer. round every corner, hell consumes me. Negative shades, fields, vibes.
Emanate here terrifically. It's all for research, myself, my place here. Watching, observing, wondering.
Emotional implusivity has wreaked me emotionally, that BPD girl from the nut ward, damaged and wow, dead to love.
Abandonment killed me inside after all time consuming gestures and attention praise giving, I was being genuine and it drained my energy so much and now I recognize that I am not strong. As I thought. I am no ones daddy ffs. Urghh.
Fucked me up, she was so emphatically empty, vacant, no reciprocation. Thought she might see the truth of the writhing pain she induced within my supplanted and drained soul. Me, nvm eh? Just didn't mix well at all I'd say. Emotional energy wasted on pointless gestures of affection and praise. The feels, wasted. Tough for a schizoid. It's like trying to help a lost dog as they say (BPD girls). Joy cannot be shared with it. it seemed. Dog.
Crippled. I jest. Fear the master, for he is shady so are you?
Ferals here? I hope not. Rekt.
:( Infinite I am not, now I know.
Tears, no expression. past days are past. Stars. Apathy at last. -_-
Another day, 6am up all night damn:
:) Be happy love the happy people or at least fake it.
Just fit in, the usual, you know. :)
New note to self: Stop half-assing life. it carries weight ;)
A schizoid usually only imagines genuine acceleration within the ego. Lacking in energy, occasionally stressed to put it lightly and usually his egos energy and acceleration is extracted from completely within the (usually bland, neutral even barren) INTERNAL landscape though occasional injections of the true self from his genuine reality, which is not bad or good but that's just his world just not "relevant" in the feels right now to discuss. To excel the ego you must find genuine confidence from within the true self via certain compatible interactions with/from his reality that are reflected back but more appropriately "injected" into the internal shell of the embodied false self (for the light, love?) that the schizoid bears all for etc. (his false self).
I'm indifferent, blah blah take what you will. Could be a shaman lol. Nvm..........
I don't know, I don't know! Why. Autistic mimic lol. Trololol.
Can seem in-genuine at times, a dreamer. And the mind. Inaccessibly unknown, alone I drift always.
The mind feels like a velvety flow making my way through my relevant life experience.
Mine. Me. Do not spoil. Haha. ;) Boundaries. Repeat back to me 100 times, boundaries, human being.
Schizoid, just let it be. I'm done FRIED, hahahahaha. Tired now. Night night.
Creatures. Hard nuts to crack antisocial. Chaotic no doubt. Shows worse on some. Especially narcs, I'm special/god combo.
A DIABOLICAL MESS,well planet earth is planet earth :) We all know right but does Satan reallycare? Keyboard fuckup.
Gulp. Free expression!
Preying wolfs......... ;) Hard to tell. hazey worn soul. Say no more now not being "funny" just cautious. VERY.
Trolls. :(
BAWWWWWWWWWW! Shudder. Rambling nonsense call it that if you will. I feel dumb. Drugs? Techno? I dunno.......
Now good tidings, crazy bots. :)
Love is the key <3. Remember it.
Teary face, where is it all gone? Bleakness.
NOONE CARES. :) It's just another day. Call it sad then hehe.
Borderline psychosis trembles my mental foundations. (stims, probable cause)
:) Ahh, relaxing times. Gloomy place this. ;)
It's feds from the future haha.