- 9:36 [403: Forbidden] You are permanently banned from speaking in this channel.
I wasn't enthusiastic about it. I like to go away and not participate that much.
It was I who pointed out the moderator position to be a janitorial one.
The day Turncoat turns, would make a dramatic good time. Though, no one would really care if he policed that kid. No one gains respect without respecting themselves.
"I feel so let down."
Well, at least something good came from this~
"You should have silently cast out the brat for at least a day before promising to do it again."
Read what was said above and you'll see why I can't do that. If I ban, I can't undo it from this website being so incompletely constructed (save for chat if it's from within the past 100 lines).
On top of that, I kind of like Sin. She's shown that when she isn't being retarded that she can have interesting things to say. A little patience is likely to yield more rewards than jumping the gun with that one.
Seriously, reading her posts on here occasionally yields an inner pain that makes for good reading. It's a tier or two above some of the rabble that's around these days from seeming that much more honest and damaged than the rest.
"It was I who pointed out the moderator position to be a janitorial one."
Yeah, when talking about yourself in the position. You also mentioned that those who think for themselves would love you in that seat, implying that those who wouldn't want you are members of some sort of bandwagon.