Ok, so, I wasn't able to sleep through to Monday (you dont always have to be right tc). But, after the morning I have had, I decided to share the good news! I got back home, roughly an hour ago, from the air port. I spoke with a few people up there, told them my plans, and let them know that I would be willing to start in a month, if not sooner. (Right now I would piss positive lol) They said that whenever I was ready, to come back in, and I could start classes and orientation!!!!!! YAY!!!!!!!
You guys make me giggle. You act like the internet is all knowing, and nothing out side of what it says could ever be a possibility. Idk what kind of class I will have to take, idk why he was there on a Saturday, I only went to ask what people thought of their jobs. The directed me to the office of Mr flabbergasted and overwhelmed. After talking, he mentioned classes and orientation so I guess we should go attack him for not conforming to google? Idk lol.