I've been rejected by woman and now I hate all the SLUTS.
Friend of a friend invited his girlfriend and her son to live with him.
A nice house.
A year later the woman is well adjusted and lawfully his common law. Which means she has marital rights by law.
Now their not together anymore, and she's still living in his house. She treats him like garbage while she's screwing some other guy. She brings home unwelcome guests, and her kid is rude. Screams at the man about him not being his Father and shit. They eat his food and run up bills too.
By law he can't kick them out cause of the common law thing.
Something similar but worse happened to another guy I know. Not even married, and shortly after they had a child the woman went sour. She got his house which he gutted and completely rebuilt, and he got slammed with years child of support. $600.00 a month. I saw his daughter call him to pick her up to drive her home, or she'd have a fit. She turned similar to her Mother. Last of my knowledge the house is jam packed with stuff. I been there personally to witness what years of hoarding looks like when I went there to assemble some furnishing with my friend. His ex would call whenever there was some problem and when he'd decline, she'd say things like "What did I ever do to you ?" He's no longer obligated by law to pay child support. The child has grown and is in University. There were no funds for his daughter's University so he just paid for it.
You're young and horny Jim. You'll beat it everyday watching porn and with so much of your time invested in lust, you're prone to taking some damage when your fat self gets rejected. You've probably been doing some reading and know you have 2 choices which are...
- Neo masculinity
The 2 male systems disagree with one another, and because you're on red pills, young and very horny, I would suggest you go with the Neo masculinity which entails upping your game, getting ripped and making money. Those 3 things is all you need.
If you succeed at Neo masculinity, congratulations. You're life is like porn. Just watch out for the red flags if you decide you've found the one, and remember what happened to our fallen friends.
Women (whether feminist labeled or not) typically see men as disposable utilities to extract benefits from, or a meal ticket or an emotional tampon. They behave like materialistic children who never grow up, throw tantrums, constantly need emotional support and verbal reassurance, have no concept (or need cause meh vagina!) of loyalty, gratitude, sacrifice, patience or humor. They have a manipulative nature, they cannot give with one hand without taking with another, sending mixed messages, playing mind games and taking everything personally. They’re artificial, overly dramatic and require material props to have the same inner-existence men enjoy. What is being independent and alone to a woman? That is the opposite of womanhood. The only connection women have to the world is their vagina, and most of them don’t know how to fuck and just lay there like a corpse, and once the sex gets boring, they cannot cook or clean and are literally good for nothing. I’ve got better things to do than be bothered with all of that shit.
TL;DR = Realize women can only offer you pussy, and it’s not worth the work (and risk!) when you can jack off to kinky porn she’d never do and save your money. Learn to enjoy hobbies.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9W6wvHSMmzY [Embed]
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vp8tToFv-bA [Embed]
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wQfBt_GxYaI [Embed]
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1eCX2bKH7S8 [Embed]
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WsTt1_Wqwm0 [Embed]
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Zr162OZ2Z0w [Embed]