I started taking lithium when I was a teen because I was diagnosed bipolar for no good reason.
It made me feel something like nausea the whole day but they insisted it was for the best, that it would pay off.
10 years later I make an experience and quit it and I realize it was making me a worthless zombie.
I get angry with my parents, they freak out and think hey! The lithium was making him good and now he quit it he's all pissed off! He NEEDS MEDS and without them he's worse! They never even gave a fuck about all the fucked up experiences I was having while taking it, and there were MANY.
Next I refuse to take meds for months and, finally, I fucking decide to see another psychiatrist... And because the drugs he gave me didn't give me nausea I trusted him. What I fucking idiot I am. It's kinda cruel to say I deserve to be in Hell and die now, but it wouldn't be totally untrue.
I get TERRIBLY WORSE after taking tons of meds that asshole prescribed me. Does my mother question him? No, she freaked out when I got pissed off when I stopped taking lithium and now stands by whatever the psychiatrists believe no matter how bad I get. Totally irrational.
Now my situation is horrible, I might even die because of what the psychiatrist did to me and my mother will never believe a word I say against him. She'll actually say I'm the idiot if I don't follow what some psychiatrist tells me to. And I have to see a psychiatrist, because I got so disturbed I depend on "meds" to sleep.
My situation only worsens and I feel really angry for not being listened and taken seriously by my mother. If she wasn't so fucking stupid she'd want the fucking psychiatrists' heads on a plate. Instead, I'm considered anti-science for even questioning the psychiatrists and saying they harmed me as much as they have.