The patch will be applied later when fewer people are on.
Here are the updates to look forward to:
- Added ignore feature. Left of user's avatar in chats.
- Can view list of ignored users via a similar icon above and to left of chat widget.
- Can unignore an ignored user by clicking the ignore icon again in either chat or the list of ignored users.
- This ignore currently only applies to chat.
- Made PMs more intuitive / easier to use.
- Command /tell is abolished.
- Command /pm created.
- Can left click username in chat to automatically open a PM chat with that user.
- In cases where the username has spaces, quote the username.
- Can type the /pm command in chat to open a chat with the target user.
- Example 1: /pm Ninja
- Example 2: /pm "Forum Ninja"
- Example 3: /pm Ninja Hello, how are you? 'Tis a wonderful day for flaming!
- Restored an old SC1.0 feature: Chat history.
- All chat channels now remember messages for up to 3 days. This includes PMs.
- There is a cap of 100 remembered messages - Older messages will be deleted when this threshold is surpassed.
- Changed the actual channel the default chat "Forum Chat" uses.
- Added ability to minimize chat. Left click an active chat's tab and it will minimize.
- Added ability to dismiss even the default chat "Forum Chat". It will no longer automatically come back if dismissed.
- To regain the default chat, join "Forum Chat" again.
- Added colorization of usernames in chat to better distinguish multiple speakers. Colors reset on reload or page animation.