Chat positioning configurable-- Top or Right.
Thread creators gain ability to hide posts, and ban users from thread.
Thread titles smaller
In-Chat linking
Correct version number to 2.0+
For the longest time, this community has been plagued by a lack of intellectual discussion. It isn't that our members didn't want such discussion, but rather.. our lack of rules resulted in such discussion always being spammed and destroyed by the less intellectual members.
The question is raised. How can we create a forum software that allows serious discussion without creating the existence of ego-driven moderators who get high on power? The solution is to allow each thread creator the ability to set the tone for their own thread. Do you want the thread to be serious? Then ban the dex, and any members who ruin what you believe to be the perfect discussion. That's what this is. It's freedom to create a thread, and keep it on topic if one so desires.
I like this thread ban idea. Anything that gives everyone the same opportunities is a better option than handing out power to just a few, no matter how "well" they use it. Allowing ban in threads is like arming a mob, but as long as everyone has the same weapons I have no issues with that.
If you are pissed you said smth and got kicked out of a thread, just make your own thread about it.
What I would hate though is if all your posts in that thread disappeared after you got banned. I don't think the ban should affect what you've already posted, what you managed to say in that thread should stay there. There could be an option for manual deletion from the thread maker though.
Anyway, a wishlist for me with more important issues:
- decent search that finds posts; advanced options for it, like search by phrase, search by user, search by date
- ability to quote, preferably have a button for it in the reply box; I also really hope the quoting will be like that on nabble forum, you just type some words in brackets and the user, and not the mess that it used to be on SC where you had to quote posts in a specific order by going to each fucking forum page of those posts, then if you changed your mind about the order of the quoted posts you were completely screwed
- clicking on profiles doesn't even show the avatar, and I'd like related posts, post history, etc
- clicking on a post to send you to that post and not the top of the page where that post is
- after you sign out, you show offline and not online for 1 fucking hour
- mobile devices friendliness
- more chat memory, so after I talk in pm with someone to go back and scroll up to see what the conversation has been in other places like public chat or chat rooms; the way this is, with only a few lines recorded in every chat window, it's impossible to keep up with more conversations at the same time
- chat to show even when typing a reply (I don't see chat now at all)
- option to hide chat, it takes a lot of space when you want to navigate the forum and makes you scroll down every time. Even when you're not logged in, you have this large pointless space for a chat that doesn't even work
- larger embedded videos
And this is just from the top of my head...
"Thread creators gain ability to hide posts, and ban users from thread."
I like that idea, it'll keep topics spam and shit post free. There's inevitably going to be that user who mutes someone getting to them or successfully rebutting their point. I don't see this as something that will happen often, loss of reputation should deter most from doing it.