by Pink01
To sum it up there is a person on these forums, psychforums (eight) and I know she has an account here and I think I know the name but I'm not completely sure and have no one to ask.
Anyways she is a covert narcissist and a mental health professional (public info) but she's a dirty one that has shown her true colors too many times and now she needs to leave because she uses sick people as her supply.
I asked her pretty politely to leave in a voice mail and advised she get some help herself. I thought she had gotten the point. Not that easy though I guess since she came back. It's not my goal to be malicious with her...she is just very sick in a way that doesn't mesh with vulnerable people.
Lmao@ this thread. Ignoring the part where doc's reaction was a normal one for someone confused, in this thread you go hateful on someone because you think she's being immoral towards vulnerable people? I dunno, I did a quick search and this Eight woman seems like a nice well intended person
while you say shitty things, like "cancer is not supposed to be cured" and that people with health problems, even cured, should not be allowed to have their chance at kids.
by Pink01
She chose the wrong people to show her colors to, she wasn't smart enough to stay exclusively to people like me who no one would believe
You mention others who might back you up, but I only see you going on about how evil the doc is, while Wooster and at least one other person from pf are actively taking the doc's side. So until proven otherwise, I'll add this thread to the pile of evidence that you're a crazy bitch, along with your screeching "YOU HAVE CROSSED THE LINE XEEENAA!!" recording.