Ha! vanilla's a dude XD
by Lycanlol.Define strangely
If I answer this and you don't like what I say is it going to get thrown into the "harpy harping" category? You know I respect you so I'd rather not in this thread.
Black and white has been referred to so much lately. Without anyone really noticing it this thread itself is now black and white, with a dash of purple or whatever Wooster and Xena want to be. It's possible to view someone as being erratic or out of character while not jumping on them and attacking them. It's possible to agree with someone you normally do not while sustaining your own identity. Lumping criticism into an automatic "against me" column creates this black and white thinking and is it not much like a moon aspiring teenager we all know?
Well, well... look who decided to change the tone in her writing, to please, rather than to disgust. Looks like we really are playing ball here, eh Wet? I think this is going to be a really fun ride! Love the script. I'll wait a little longer to post mine so yours can take center stage for a bit. :D Good job!
"I may have made the mistake of reacting when you first started this, even though I saw what you were doing, but I pulled myself out of that mentality fast"
It was still enough to derail the topic for multiple pages, even proving capable of dramatically pulling others into it. Regardless of sides, motivations, or any of that nonsense, it at least caused that much.
No. I think I'm pretty right on the money about what you were doing, Sugar. But then, you think you are right on the money about me, and so the dizzy dance continues. You'll keep your opinion- I'll keep mine, and so what I really think we have here (as ever at sw) is a good old fashioned stalemate.
And since I see no positive outcome happening, as you've never shown yourself to be the type to inspire much that is positive, I don't see any reason to change what I'm doing. So on with the negative then: There is a difference between you and I, in keeping with the assumption theme. I can see what it is I'm doing very clearly, and I don't think you can see what you do. I think you are good at seeing what others are playing at, but still can't see yourself.
You were gaslighting me, Sugar. What's more is you're still doing it right now. You also kept trying to subtly control the way I was writing your character. You made sure to tell me that I got what turns you on wrong, and you had to tell me that "priestess would suffice". Then suddenly, after seeming to enjoy my writing, you got bored and told me to take you out.
These are all very evident control issues you are displaying. But the covert controller- they tend to have issues with people knowing that they want to control everything and everyone. So they resort to more subtle tactics. Ones that tend to needle at someone just enough to get a negative reaction, so they can then begin the gaslighting.
Your perception of my response to your wanting me to take you out over something as benign as "boredom": Was way off the mark and harsh even. You turned my laughing your boredom off, and not taking you serious to a level that gave me no choice but to wonder what was really going on. You leaped over to the land of, "you're a creepy pervert who is trying to violate me", and that was you playing the victim and you throwing some unwarranted tantrum, over something so small- then I react to your harsh accusation, and you tell me I'm the one overreacting. That's how gaslighting works. You couldn't get your way, so you had to resort to something that was sure to trigger me.
Me calling you out on your bullshit and refusing to give you your way, is not playing victim, hun... far from it. I may have made the mistake of reacting when you first started this, even though I saw what you were doing, but I pulled myself out of that mentality fast because if nothing else- being here at sw has taught me to be confident in the face of gasdlighting, and know when what I'm seeing is not all in my head. I have to wonder if you're learning anything other than how to better gaslight people in your game playing here. Because I don't see you as the type of person who aims to learn about herself- what makes you do what you do.
But I could be wrong. Maybe you do see that you gaslight and you're just enjoying this. Either way, all's fair in love and war. So if you're going to keep playing it your way, I will keep playing it mine. Fair enough?
All threads get derailed here, Turn. I'm still going to post my script and Wet and I will still compete.There is still fun to be had no matter what direction this thread takes. There are no real rules at sw, right? It's all a game in the end. What motivated you to make the post you just made? Because you also have this habit of making your remarks just vague enough to leave a wide margin for the reader to be able to interpret it in ways that may be totally off. What opinion are you trying to get across if you don't mind me asking you to be more direct?
by Turncoat"I may have made the mistake of reacting when you first started this, even though I saw what you were doing, but I pulled myself out of that mentality fast"
It was still enough to derail the topic for multiple pages, even proving capable of dramatically pulling others into it. Regardless of sides, motivations, or any of that nonsense, it at least caused that much.
And just to clarify: I meant that in the beginning of this, I actually made the mistake of doubting myself, and what was going on. But I pulled myself out of my doubt fast, and stood my ground.