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Surely you must be joking

Posts: 3

My father is a confirmed sociopath. Recently I got worried
that I might go the same way and started investigating the topic. I have
discovered that there are many traits a sociopath has that most non-sociopaths share.
I came across this website and have read most of the forums.

Oddly I have not found any sociopaths on here. Most people
here are simply depressed ,have some anger issues ,need someone to talk to and have access to the internet.
In what seems to me a bid for attention you now have a lot of self diagnosed sociopath fakes
trying to sound like they are special.

So you can swear online , you kicked the neighbor’s dog  and felt no remorse , you threaten a guy, are manipulative in relationships but that hardly makes  you a sociopath.




Posts: 1892
Surely you must be joking

First, you must be joking.  Second, how was your father "confirmed"?  Third, do you think every socoipath is a carbon copy of each other?  Fourth, what gives you the ability to judge people to have or not have mental problems such as you have stated?  Lastly, you must be joking... So I'll play.

Posts: 1953
Surely you must be joking

Or maybe there are sociopaths on this forum and they're just fooling you.


I'll play too.




"Act like a dumb shit and they'll treat you like an equal."

--  J.R. "Bob" Dobbs

Posts: 2876
Surely you must be joking

your oppinion is valued. lol

Posts: 48
Surely you must be joking

Why would you waste my time with this post?  Go away.

Posts: 1063
Surely you must be joking

Well that does it! BapdadFry said we're not sociopaths so we all should just pack-up and go home! haha...


And please take solice in knowning that i'd still have no remorse after kicking, threatening, and manipulating you. Tool. 

Posts: 9
Surely you must be joking

What a relief! Surely now my former psychiatrist will have to withdraw her faulty diagnosis and reinstate me as a patient! You've given me a new lease on life, thank you, thank you!



Posts: 3
Surely you must be joking

@ Virus There several ways to confirm a sociopathic condition.
As a  so-called sociopath I am surprised
you are unaware of this.

Even more revealing  is the fact that you refer to it as ‘ mental
problems’ If indeed you were a sociopath you would certainly not think of
yourself as having mental problems.

I think you want to believe you have mental problems because
it is an easy way to explain things like perhaps your social behavior or
problems you cause others. Perhaps that’s why you chose a name like ‘Virus’,you
see yourself as a problem. Maybe you like thinking of yourself that way ,and so
it upsets you when someone calls you a fake.


@ Brandon ,seriously man , you read the post, then take time
to respond only to  complain that it is
all a waste of your time. If it is a waste of time to read it ( out of your
free will) ,then why waste more time by responding?  

Then there is Tom ,resorting to name calling ,lol, very sociopathic indeed.

Relax guys , it is just words.Whatever you gets you through the day I suppose.


Posts: 3
Surely you must be joking

Glad to be of service Fred ,it is a well known fact that most psychiatrists are totally looney anyway.

Posts: 1892
Surely you must be joking

You assume way too much and do not read the questions very well.  Which of these many ways was your father confirmed?  The mental issues I refer to are the ones you stated, such as depression and anxiety... very much associated with mood and mind.

I didn't say I was a sociopath, I don't like that word.  Again, it is obvious... You are joking.


EDIT: I really have a thing for viruses... And I don't think I have mental problems other than emotional retardation... I'm a kid trapped in a mans world.  Whatta ya do?

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