People need to nut up and get over it. Ignorant niggers have thier place and need to focusmore on not letting thier 12yr olds be gangsters rather than the white man keeping them down because they work at a fast food joint and have no education.
I am talking about ignorant fucks who seem content in living menial lives through governmental handouts, minimum wage jobs, and pity... i see them in all shapes, sizes, and colors. I listen to some middle age fuck talk about how he had work 6 whole months straight with only missing three days and now THEY want to let him go. How he knew he was just a laborer but the boss was an idiot prick. The dude was dirty, unshaven, wearing a concert T of Skid Row from 1991 and every other word was "fuck". Through his conversation he showed his vast knowledge of math, science, and world politics.
the dude was white... I wanted to stab him. And the ignorant black woman working as the manager of the fast food establishment I was at. I had to hear her discuss life on her cell phone as she took my order... I think I just hate people period. I'll shut up about this now.
Misanthropy is a tedious path to undertake, with certain unique rewards of its own.
I like, even love certain individuals.
I hate most people.
I adore humanity with all its destructive nad creative impulses.
It's an easier , yet somehow more intellectualized way to just not give a fuck about about poeple/objects/ideas you consider utterly idiotic (regardless of color, creed, nationality, sexuality or a political/religious belief system).