This is why americas economy is in the shitter right now... Everyone thinks it's much better to mooch than actually get a job and work for what you have...
Americas economy is in the shitter cause your government borrows and spends trillions on multiple wars and military bases to serve corperate interests you dumb ass. Staying at home is not about mooching, it's about empowring. If it hurts your family to keep you, it's because you are sinking them. If your family is rich, and it's a joke to pay 2000 a month, even better. Just work, empowering family instead of a landlord makes more sense, it's just that people want to get away.
Im flattered that my insults have gotton you to be such an emotional wreck that lashing out evrr so pitifully saying the same things over and over about how living with your parents is pathetic and what not. I made a decision to move back in with my parents so I could save money. More and more individuals my age stay at home or go out and fail. Why would I need to focus on moving out at this point anyways? I'm joining the corp, it would be my wish to just skip ahead in time and ship out. Anyways back on topic..
It seems like all the sensible intelligent people do not agree with your statment, does that make you sad too? That not a single person has respect for you? Try not to let your emotions ooze all over the forum it's pretty gross.
After being subjected to the, Oh I need help because the cost of living and the oh I am poor, I find myself reverting back to animal instinct where the weak are consumed by the predators. One can use every excuse to blame someone for their misfortune. If you fail, you fail because of your actions not the actions of others. Kill or be killed. I can only hope that the crying did not come from a proclaimed Alpha. It is desturbing that one would not only post their problems for all to see but then launch themselves straight into being the prey by blaming others and society for their issues. I can sense the fear and it amuses me that one would put themselves out to be eatin.