So there's a big story going around where I am at the moment of a female serial killer. Her name's Joanna Dennehy, and I've even met her a few times while she's been on my ward at the hospital I work in.
I didn't think much of her when I first saw her, but her personality is that of a fucking sex demon. I'd love to be cut and raped by her. She killed 3 men, and wants to kill more and admitted it in court.
I definitely noticed the size of the bastard she seduced, he's a fucking monster. Must be around 7ft+
We share newspapers around the staff in our office, and the rest of my colleagues were giving reactions like "uggh", "what a horrible person".
I was personally looking for the first opportunity to take the paper to the bathroom to jack off. I'm already thought of as a weirdo in my department, so the fact that I wasn't really sharing in the bitch bashing was hardly treat as abnormal.