I can't wait to see that Katrina hurricane 2nd version. I feel it's coming!
"It was implied in my original post when I asked for a pic of him. Notice how I didn't ask for an old picture of him..."
You'd have brought it up much sooner, responding to Silk with something like "If it's not a recent photo, you're wasting my time". You changed gears once people complied in ways that require you to make yourself a little more vulnerable. Once it hit you that it became about you, you chose to retreat with an "Okay, forget it then. I don't need the picture anyway". Alia did a genius "Put up or shut up" gambit, and you took that bait amazingly by doing neither.
An old photo would still give you insight on his looks, so you could "meet one day and share some interesting conversation over a few drinks together". Why does the photo need to be recent, you think he's undergone reconstructive surgery and dyed his hair or something? Get real.
Good lord you even did the "I can find you" threat, this time with an incorrect address instead of shitty phone listings. The things you say only make you look worse to others, which I guess doesn't matter to you since you only care about how you see yourself to the point of changing your own past memories.
I wonder sometimes if you simply can't retain your older contextual thoughts, using instead how you feel in the moment as your prior context. Maybe you give the past no value because you can't process it properly. You wouldn't be the first inner-biography rewriter I've met.
Are you ashamed of showing yourself? Perhaps you're secretly a woolie, if not a balaclava* fetishist, and that mask you feel is as much a part of you as a highly depraved furry's fursuit. Maybe we have seen the side of you you identify most strongly with, as you seem quite attached to posting yourself in it, even after people have already seen you.
Edit: Bahahaha, baklava fetishist. What a fun misprint on my part.