see....laziness and unprepared. you asked for proof.
by Piles the Beaversista gurl tick, whats your email. im feeling generous. I cant show you until sunday though. ill have laptop internet then.
Send it or don't send it. I don't give a fuck. Here's my email addy anyway: [email protected]
"I'm expected to trust them, yet no-one trusts me."
You made the request. It makes sense that they'd get payment before you get your goods. Could always use someone you trust as a middleman of sorts, maybe an Emily type who you feel wouldn't be able to use it against you or go on a posting spree, but somehow I feel you won't bother.
You start with an aggressive front, and yet somewhere down the line you accuse people of defending your quarry when things don't go your way, when really, their targeting you has nothing to do with your target, it has to do with you. At least you have the balls to not delete your posts though, that shows something anyway. You might be inconsistent, but you stand behind it, even if it makes you look ridiculous to do so.
I'll be keeping this thread. I'm sure there's a lot of hidden quote potential here, especially if I quote two contradicting statements at once.
"I've provoked numerous arguments here because I'm argumentative. I enjoy the verbal fights. I would have thought you could see that about my personality, if nothing else."
Pretty sure they are starting them based on something you say. You're usually stuck playing the role of defense from my understanding.
"That's an old picture anyway. I was after a current one."
Bullshit. You'd have said that earlier if it were the case, not first utterance of this notion on page 9. The deal wouldn't have even been ventured if this were the case. At the very least admit this is a matter of hindsight, even if you won't admit it's you rewriting a scenario to make yourself more inflatable.
"So, in the end, it's no loss to me."
It's clear how much shame you'd feel to be seen. It's one thing to not post yourself, it's another to post yourself over and over wearing a flipping ski mask. If you had something worth showcasing, you'd not see showing yourself as "loss".
You know what? Fuck it. Here's his picture.