1. You're at a sociopath-community ball, and the drinks have been poisoned by an unknown person. Everyone, except you, has drank a significant amount and will die. You have an antidote, and can save only one member. Which member would it be, and why?
2. Which fictional character would you -
A) Most like to have as a sex slave. (They have no choice. You can do what you want with them).
B) Most like to have as a sexual partner (They can be submissive if you wish, but not your complete slave. They are consenting, and also a person that you wouldn't mind being around for other reasons other than just sex.)
3. Hypothetical situation. You're walking outside at night. You see someone that is far physically superior to you dumping a body, and they spot you looking and begin advancing towards you. They will reach you in 10 seconds if you stay still.
What would you do in this situation? You have no weapons, vehicle or cellphone available, just yourself and your brain.
4. Would you offer yourself to be used sexually to get something you really wanted?
5. Do you care for your family at all? Or do you just use them because of the benefits of having them around you?
6. What would you rather do with Dexter Morgan? (Not referring to any retards on this forum with that username, I'm talking about the character from the show).
A) Join him
B) Be his sexual partner
C) Report him to the police
D) Kill him
E) Other (State what)
7. Would you fuck a member of your family, assuming they were good looking enough?
8. Is there anything you wouldn't do because even you think it's so wrong? E.G. Raping a baby.
9. Do you hate any particular race, gender or ethnicity?
10. When did you lose your virginity, and was it to a man, woman, boy, girl, family member?
11. Would you engage in a sexual act with an animal? If so, which animal?
12. Would you engage in a sexual act with a dead body? Assuming the dead body is that of someone you found attractive when they were alive, and they only recently died so it isn't rotten.
13. Sex or Drugs. You can only have one for the rest of your life, pick one.