This isn't for attention. Yahoo Answers(and other similar sites) is full of dickheads who won't answer my god damn question.
I've felt suicidal before and I used to feel fear back then but now I really don't give a shit.When I think about suicide I no longer get this anxiety. Maybe Hitler wasn't all that crazy... maybe life isn't worth living unless you're a rich genetically superior Aryan that has life handed to them on a plate. AlzheImer's runs in my family along with a bunch of other shit I don't wanna deal with. I honestly hate my life and i'm getting bored and I want out. Hell, suicide aint something people just up and do with confidence they have to force themselves... which is exactly what I plan to do. Maybe(hopefully)one of these days I'll have had enough.
I don't wanna end up surviving and end up like some retarded cripple person so I need a full proof way that ain't painful. So far, carbon monoxide poisoning is at the top of my list. Can't abuse drugs to escape cuz in the position im in now I wouldn't be able to keep payin for em. In this life we're destined for hardships so what's the point? I really wanna just save myself the trouble...