It matters so little to you that you made a topic about it. Seems legit.
I felt like writing this so I did.
You sure you aren't just desperately fighting to seem different, unique,
in a world where we really aren't special at all? Could you be fighting
being defined simply because having predictable tags on you makes you
feel no better than anyone else? Hate to break it to you, you're an NPC.
It would perhaps be nice to be that but I'm not. I would perhaps like to be more like "an ordinary person" than I am, but I'm not so sure how that could be achieved. When I was a child I was even "stranger". I didn't care at all what people thought about me, and could do anything on a whim. I was hardly an "NPC" then since the entire school new who I was. Also this about feeling special... I felt very special or even "chosen". In a way I was living my life in a fantasy world. I told people stories I made up, but I believed some of my own stories. With time I changed in some way. Perhaps I just grew up but I started to behave myself better, and also to feel things I hadn't really felt before. Like shame... I started to care about things I did, my appearance and so on. I wasn't bullied so much then but mean things people said could hurt me, whereas I before was unaffected. With time however some of my old behavior came back. Also feeling less shame. Today I do many things which most people would be very ashamed of doing, but I don't care. I am not sure but I think I was different already from the beginning. I had some "crisis" when I was very young and put into a preschool for "acting out" children. So i have changed in my life and left "something" behind, but not completely.
Denial. There's something wrong with everyone. It's simply a matter of gauging if it bothers you or not.
Of course there is something wrong with everyone. I am not without flaws. Basically i am pleased with how I am. Most problems I have are caused by some few (but very annoying) people. I actually think I'm an important person and anyone trying to prevent me from living a good life deserves to die a thousand deaths. I value myself very highly. This may sound "narcissistic" but it is the way I feel. I am a nice person but if someone messes with me they deserve to die. Simple as that.