Recently, I uncovered that my target was starting up a relationship. She was dating another woman, a rather tricky situation. Nevertheless, my indomitable will or steel didn't give a shit. I started by looking up this girl's information, what her music taste are, what causes she supports, how she reacts to certain situations. I then made contact with the this girl at her place of work, under the guise of a estranged man going through a fairly rough time in his life. All I had to do was look at the ground and sigh everytime I looked at my phone before her curiosity peaked.
She asked how my days was, I replied appropriately and said I was having certain family issue, one I knew she could relate to. She immediately took the bait and through some use of my elocution, she gave me her number in hopes to give me advice. My target sets up these lesbians in a certain pattern, using this I could guess on when to ask her about her problems and encourage her to vent. With this emotional venting came trust and we met a couple times a week to talk about her problems. On one particular visit she let her guard down and cried in my arms. It was time.
The next time I came over I made my move, we almost had sex before she stopped me. She broke up with my target 4 days later. I gave it a week and then broke up with her, the situation now regulated I plan to make moves on my target soon.