it might be complicated for people of average intelligence or below average i'm above the "above average" range slightly below that of genius so what ever basically it's pretty easy for me to spot them
those books on sociopaths like love fraud they only represent a small fraction of sociopaths
sociopaths are not emotionless! it's hard to find one that is due to the coexisting problems of aspd causing emotional responses!
sociopath used to also be called a secondary psychopath infact wiki still has that somewhere and clearly states they're high on emotions such as anxiety and delusions which psychopaths are low on
here are some sociopaths
the fat rage guy and the little girl you see them end up usually doing school shootings or mall shootings in usa.. the successfull kind of these may end up in orginized crime(not the same as the gang thugs below)
this lady talks about the other type of one she met (the curly haired lady) most of them are the violent gangs or lone wolf
and there is also the drug addict or other addicts type and there are lesser versons of the violent gang type who just go around doing graffiti for art purposes they might be in a gang but the art isn't gang related(like that of in Australia and some other countries) and these tend to get scooped up by the orginized crime ring type of sociopaths but then lone wolfs do exist
they are usually big on the ADHD disorder the majority of them but the ones who aren't so severe like that are the "control freak" type which have mostly narcissism
then you got the internet kind at different levels they become it could range from example like 50 people or a few thousand usually you these kind have some kind of mild narcissism and end up like nicki minaj or even sarah palin (they could range from playing games online to motor bike clubs like my mother who really knows lots of people have different interests..) the control freak get sucked into that power of their small group and might not achieve high in life further than that of an average normal person could
and there is also the drug addict or other addicts type
ALL of them will mirror people so far i am unsure whether it's intentional or subconscious (they're not aware) or even a mixture of both
i can't make it anymore simpler or clear for you to comprehend
it's as simple as this really... anything else you think is sociopath and their behavior doesn't fit this kind of catergory above^
keep in mind there are other mental illnesses out there that imitate the symptoms and behavior such as aspergers and psychopathy and can lead similar lives to that of a sociopath but other targeted tests can sift them out
it's pretty rare that a sociopath(the fucking ASPD) becomes as high achieving alike that of an asperger or a psychopath (nobal prize winner Einstein or politician kevin rudd) .. but it is slightly possible if the right event happened in their life to save them so if you are one of the above kinds in the video there is a slim chance of hope
but you have to try and act soon and if you are the control freak kind don't throw people away because keeping people opens up opportunities in life which LEAD TO great jobs