i have ideas of genocide and apocalyptic things like that of the governments and secret societies how they want to kill everyone because there is too many people.. i agree with them there is too many people (this is worse than a serial killer)
and then serial killers..
i also have the same frame of mind of the tv dexter where he wants to kill murderers (i don't like murderers) but then this makes me a hypocrite but i just reckon murderers should have their hands cut off then they can continue living without being able to kill people
i am not quite human normal people don't agree with the murder of 3/4 of the planet while at the same time disagreeing because there are better ways to solve the problem...
the reason why the psychopaths high up in the globe want to kill people.. is to prevent extinction ! but most people don't understand this they are like "oh how horrible the want to murder us" well if we keep on pumping out babies there WON'T BE AN "US" TO BEGIN WITH
and most people are useless resource consumers their IQ doesn't contribute to anything to advance the human race
all you people are is resource consumers and your souls go to "heaven" which is actually...
alien space ship as a power source (this how ever is unconfirmed it's just bible text from thousands of years ago though before science existed)