that secret agent smiley has autism with some possible psychosis due to their incorrect medications and/or alcohol abuse
by Secret Agent SmileyBuddy, you're an attention seeking, pathetic no lifer who idealises people with no emotion, that's all. It's easy as fuck to fake an online test but not so easy to mask your fragile little feelings, especially when your dad is telling you home truths by calling you a faggot and shit.
You are a ginger, hair lipped, ugly autistic faggot with no friends, who wants validation from internet strangers to make him feel better. Joshy just wants to be loved Aw, you won't find it here, sport.
Do yourself a big favour and hang yourself kid because you're gonna grow up an even bigger retard than you already are now, just like your old man.
No Facebook comments or likes for the crap you continually put up there. It's only gonna get worse for you.