Hi. I spent much of my life convinced I was a sociopath. Looking at 'sociopaths' around me. Heres the thing. Sociopaths are not at an advantage.. They are very capable at acheiving short term wants and desires. Acheiving short term goals. but they wont be happy.Why? They have no integrity. I believe being true to yourself brings happiness.They are willing to risk much to acheive these immediate rewards
: including their word and their reputation. They are constantly trying to seek power, which is more easily acheived through strength and not deception. They are missing something. Its love. Now this is their weakness, not standing up for themselves. Which is a love for yourself. They would rather 'get back at someone' than establish a boundary in a 'adult way'. Therefore sociopaths are weak. They are children who never became adults, because either they werent loved themselves, or they lost it somewhere along the way. These are people without hope. Love is what I think gives you hope. These are some ideas that have been floati g around my head. Feel free to respond/ comment/ criticise. As my name implies im here for the truth. Id like to have some dicussion on the topic. So if anyone has something to say. Please dont hold back!