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6 posts

There's been alot of talk about haters lately

Posts: 1286

and I just wanted to give you a hug



Posts: 45
There's been alot of talk about haters lately

I feel the most sorry f'r thou, Daddy. Prithee stop with the projection of thy issues onto this hither forum, thou've turn'd into someone really quite pathetic of late. 

Posts: 1286
There's been alot of talk about haters lately

Dear Venator of Verum,

See original post.

Posts: 588
There's been alot of talk about haters lately

Hahaha, great video.

Posts: 201
There's been alot of talk about haters lately

Not sure I appreciate your taste in music,  but I appreciate the message <3





Posts: 262
There's been alot of talk about haters lately

hahaha! hilarious!! :)

6 posts
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