If you're going to post a story, at least format it in a way that will make people more likely to read it:
3:43Luna Prey: hi
3:50dexter: hi
4:17Luna Prey: why do you pick that avatar?
4:17Luna Prey: personally i like it, but my brother thinks it's intentionally disturbing to the eyes
4:18dexter: maybe it's both! to catch the eyes of people who like it and to annoy the ones who don't either way they are interested in the avatar
4:18dexter: i don't really know
4:19dexter: rass was mean to me lots of other times
4:19dexter: so i annoyed them by changing it
4:19dexter: it's not really 1 reason
4:19dexter: but multiple small reasons
4:19Luna Prey: how can you blame him though, you were quite mean when you came here
4:20dexter: maybe it's the subconcious
4:20dexter: my mum is a sociopath and emotionally tortured me
4:20dexter: ..sociopath forum
4:21dexter: i'm actually really nice
4:21dexter: so says 2 of my friends
4:21dexter: i actually lack more emotions then just classifying by that of sociopathy
4:21dexter: which was why i made this account name
4:22dexter: my friends were mena
4:22dexter: mean
4:22dexter: i don't hate them
4:22dexter: i pretend i hate people
4:22dexter: but really there was no emotional response i was just blank
4:22dexter: calm
4:23dexter: everyone here thinks they got to me
4:23dexter: that they finally made me crack
4:23dexter: i manipulated them into doing that
4:23dexter: i have been calm the entire time i have been here
4:24dexter: except when i spammed every topic i had lacked sleep = super hyper
4:25dexter: there are people high up in the globe that are void of every and all emotions
4:25dexter: i am not fully there but it gives a great idea what it's like for me which causes problems
4:25Luna Prey: you know, your entire fascade about being emotionless would be great and all if yo uwere smart
4:25Luna Prey: and had original, and helpful ideas to soceity
4:26Luna Prey: but all you do is brag about how cold and sociopath yo uare here
4:26Luna Prey: its childish and immature
4:26dexter: i am "smart"
4:26Luna Prey: well you certianly dont show it. i am a developer, and i run a pretty quickly growing company
4:26Luna Prey: i like to think i know a bit about the world, and i see you going nowhere in it very quickly
4:27dexter: helpful ideas to soceity that defies all knowledge of what this forum is suppose to be for
4:27Luna Prey: as if you know what this forum is for
4:27Luna Prey: you know nothing abotu me
4:27Luna Prey: leave me alone
4:27dexter: it's to studying people
4:27dexter: like us
4:28dexter: i know you are a developer for a company
4:28dexter: you said hi to me..
4:28dexter: i am great at ideas
4:28dexter: i even gave you one
4:28dexter: notifications for likes and dislikes and quotes
4:29dexter: it isn't a new idea but it's an idea
4:29dexter: i suggested lots of ideas for world of warcraft which they thought were great enough to use
4:29dexter: content ideas
4:29dexter: interface ideas
4:30dexter: they are making a more orginised inventory which was my ideas -.-
4:30dexter: i am "smart"
4:30dexter: if i shown i am "smart" (intelligent) people get high expectations
4:31dexter: and i have given ideas to "society" to usa and australian government a possible way to solve homeless and prisoner problem
4:31dexter: at the same time in the whole thing to fix lacking jobs and food supply
4:31dexter: \all in the 1 idea
4:31dexter: prisioners worm on a farm to work off time
4:31dexter: homeless supervise it and teach them stuff
4:32dexter: uses the food to feed other homeless and prisons
4:32dexter: lowering costs
4:32dexter: increasing jobs
4:32dexter: lowering homeless
4:32dexter: and revenue raising
4:32dexter: whether usa or australia actually DO THIS is up to them
4:33dexter: so as you claim i know nothing of you
4:33dexter: you are the one making missunderstood claims not i