I knew it...
It goes smoothly unless we have to spare more than a couple of days with each other.
This goes for my mother, father and sister. I'm not really attached with the rest of my family, maybe a little bit with an aunt that is my neighbor too.
Not sure if I'm a socio though.
On my end I have poor relations to my extended family (cousins, uncles, aunts, etc) but I have a somewhat good relationship with my close family. I'm proud of who I am and it is because of my parents if I'm who I am today. I never tried to manipulate or do any harm to them. I think that the only persons you can have your whole life are your family. It is easy to dump a girlfriend or dump a friend, but you can't really dump your close family. At the end of it all he/she will still remain your father/mother.
In general, I don't really like people. I get really anti-social and have issues trusting people and liking them. I don't really feel trust for them either or love but I do have a lot of respect for them.