The first one to bring me one of the other's rib gets 50$
Ha Ha... I've played that game. As I told you, my pictures were displayed all over the old forum. All the old regs know who I am and many of them are hoarders, they have the pics. I don't need to show YOU anything. Better plan... Lets see a picture of you. Wide angle if need be:-)
Virus is better in the looks department than you Thrill. You might be proud of your appearance, but you shouldn't be. Virus might be a little screwed in the head, and morally warped when it comes to his offspring, but from what I remember he's pretty athletic and handsome looking. You on the other hand... Well, everyone knows how fuck ugly you are. The drugs you take on a daily basis show in your appearance even through the gothic crap you try to disguise yourself with. Leave Tommy alone, you big bully!