Oh, you like story time? Then by all means, allow me to indulge myself. :)
There was once a washed up old hag who called herself demon. She wasted her life collecting welfare and accomplishing nothing, whilst bragging to anyone who would listen about how she brilliantly conned the government into sending her monthly disability cheques. She thought this made her a manipulative badass, when in reality, it merely served to underscore her weakness and incompetence. She spent the vast majority of her time describing unimaginative, generic murder fantasies on a sociopath forum, as opposed to setting useful goals and achieving them. In the process, she squandered all her talents, because she was more concerned with the image she projected than the life she led. She subconsciously sought the approval of all those who rejected her, because she was pathetically and transparently insecure. She rationalized her chronic failures by labeling them "successes", and excused her social ineptness by means of her callousness and stupidity. The end. :)