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Etzel: impressed. what is your background?

Posts: 102

Dear Etzel: When you are not working at your imperialist corporate job, Id like to know your educational background. Do you have other aspirations besides keeping the disparity going?

Seriously, please elaborate. I didn'tvwant to divert Slimey's thread for posting eyes, sorry for that. But I would like to hear where you are coming from and where you expect the world economy to go.

Posts: 135
Etzel: impressed. what is your background?

lol. If you want to know more about me, just go read my posts on psychforums. I say everything there is to say in my first 100 or so posts, so you could probably read it in a hour. As for my "educational background": industrial engineering in university; thinking, experience and philosophy afterwards. And I haven't been paying much attention to the world's economy (maybe in a near future, though, since I'm still not a millionaire yet and lack the cojones to go rob a bank).

Posts: 102
Etzel: impressed. what is your background?

Ok thats good to start thinking ahead where global economy and manufacturing/development is going if you will be an industrial engineer. 

If you can imagine countries working out a credit systen to pay back debts loans and damages from human rights abuses and trafficking into a reformed prison system run like a school, with work -study programs to pay off education and/or restitition,

Then all slave labor sweatshop factories and prison labor camps can be gradually converted into campuses with housing, teaching hospitals and clinics, even legal and business education and training programs to assess restitution owed for crime or corruption and pay it back as loans into economic development to balance budgets.

That will take a lot of renovating infrastructure to make sustainable communities from the resources and institutions we have now.

Since you are clearly NOT into the social development needed, im guessing you may be more interested in the ownership aspect of property and business. If you look at the model for teaching working ppl to buy up rental houses and apts to quit their day jobs and retire in 5 to 10 years, maybe you can manage this approach

The reason ppl are slaves is if they dont have equal knowledge access and ownership concerning property management and laws in general, so other ppl can try to monopolize this knowledge.

If you learn how the sytem works, you can either be at peace with your place in it, or know how to change it. You seem more focused on the physical reality so that is where i would look at who owns the land and property and who knows how to manage it sustainably.

By democratizing that knowledge and training, that is one step out of class slavery and mental victimhood and oppression.

Posts: 1081
Etzel: impressed. what is your background?

I did search on that psychforum website and posted one sample reply to you. That site is highly moderated including no links allowed (not sure what else can get you banned).

If my msg doesn't get past the moderators, here is a copy below of what I tried to post to you:

Etzel if you decide to post here instead where there is no moderation, longer detailed msgs and posts may be better if you start new threads, since other members prefer shorter posts on their threads.

Topics like this clearly need more room to go into elaborate detail for technical analysis and replies like yours.

What is your feedback about the psychforum? Or other sites. How heavy is the moderation?


Hi Etzel: Just a heads up to signal I found you ok on this huge site.

(A) As for suicide, I look at what CAUSED the person to lose the will to live.
Was it cutting off the life force, by depression.
Was it a surge from anger.
Was it unbearable pain or torment where the only thoughts were of death as an escape.

And what CAUSED this imbalance in the life energy and network, why didn't the person have support where it built up too much?

This is like looking at what causes a hemorrhage or bleeding out, versus what causes circulation of blood to be cut off where the body dies either way.

If you look at it objectively, as cause and effect, there is no need for "judgment" on the person

(B) when people do want to blame someone for suicide
I compare this with when a robbery or rape happens, and people want to blame the victim
for "letting the robber or rapist" get to them in the first place

Other people just blame the robber or rapist, no matter if the victim was weak or vulnerable or not

In the case of suicide, the "robber" that robs the person of the will to live is something intangible.
It is in the spirit, like you seem to call "being weak"

So again, what in the spirit CAUSES the person to be weak
what in the spirit CAUSES the person to be able to overcome and "fight off" the invisible
"robber" that is killing their will to live? either using anger or depression or pain etc. as a "weapon"

By looking at the 'causes and effects' I see no need to pass judgment on people as weak.

Whatever causes the weakness can be fixed, so why not focus on that?

Posts: 99
Etzel: impressed. what is your background?


by Etzel

lol. If you want to know more about me, just go read my posts on psychforums. I say everything there is to say in my first 100 or so posts, so you could probably read it in a hour. As for my "educational background": industrial engineering in university; thinking, experience and philosophy afterwards. And I haven't been paying much attention to the world's economy (maybe in a near future, though, since I'm still not a millionaire yet and lack the cojones to go rob a bank).

 I knew you were lying when you said you were a kid. You're young at heart, but you just don't seem young like that.

Posts: 154
Etzel: impressed. what is your background?

Emily, hate to jump in on this one and interrupt but this is a subject I would like to contribute to.

I think you may be overly idealistic and overly optimistic about global economy. When you look at the governments in this world today and yesterday all we see is greed, power and obsession with leader's legacy. The global leadership is consumed with despotic leaders and tyrannical governments. Do you really think that is ever going to change, that is like saying human nature is capable of change.

It is unrealistic thinking to think any of these countries including my own and other western nations give a dam about reforming prisons, better schools, paying back any restitution or debts, this isn't how the system works. The people on top want to stay on top and they will do their best to keep you on the bottom and out of their hair. They don't care about sustainable communities or green resources.

Then you mention property ownership and private businesses, quick turn to the right! Property ownership and private businesses are the first thing to be confiscated and put into government hands when nations go really left. Private ownership and businesses are best left to the laissez faire ideology. You can't have it both ways. On the one hand you are speaking of a more equitable and  socially reformed system and the other hand you are promoting private business and ownership.

The last statement you made regarding class slavery, economic slavery lacks validity in my opinion as there may not even be the chance at property ownership in the future as world economies struggle fiscally and are lead by hubristic leaders.


Posts: 102
Etzel: impressed. what is your background?

Hi Lisa I'm glad we share some of these interests and concerns in common. Realistic vs idealistic approaches also mean an inclusive balance, so its important to work in tandem where we dont agree.

When Ive studied sustainable solutions, I noticed most of the effective work was done on a grassroots level behindcthe scenes under the radar of media. The common factor was the groups and leaders getting all the public attention arent always the ones with solutions. But this actually allowed critical work and progress by those who are running the show and keeping communites going.

My friends who established solutions to prison reform, and spiritual healing to cut costs of health care, and the campus model for reforming public housing/welfare DO CARE and are ready for change.

Whats been missing is connecting these up with publicity and resources so these working models get replicated.

No one has to give up power or ownership. The solutions I promote cut the costs of waste and conflict so ppl enjoy even greater flow of resources and less burden from ineffective govt bureaucracy. Solving the conflicts and problems causing waste of taxpayer resources frees these up to cover public demand more effectively .

When set up right it makes everyones jobs easier.

Ex: when nonviolence training was added to prisons it made both the inmates and the staff more at ease by reducing tension and risk of racial or gang violence, so everyone benefited from free programs.

I Talked with a neurosurgeon who changed his practice after he learned how powerful spiritual healing works, where he now helps more ppl without surgery so he can serve even more people freely. And a lawyer who said that mediation saved their career, which works more effectively in preserving relations and cutting costs.

As For teaching and democratizing property ownership, the founders who teach in Houston WANT everyone to learn this to stop the victim mentality that feeds bad govt and costs us more and more. They follow the abundance mentality, that the more you invest in the service and growth of others to be financially independent, the whole economy expands becomes more productive so everyone benefits. 

The biggest barrier i find is ppl themselves arent used to the idea of being equally free and empowered so we llimit ourselves. A lot of fear is thinking other ppl will obstruct us but it really is our choice to make things happen. Just have to organize in teams and do it.



Posts: 154
Etzel: impressed. what is your background?

I see what you are saying but I think you are ignoring the human elements, people are just not intrinsically good. I agree there are those who want to do good and don't care about recognition or reward but as you too have experienced in your own desire to save the historic community in your town, human nature is corrupt.

Grassroots projects exist marginally and subsist on private and some public contribution but without sanction of government they are not a long term solution unless we are going to break up into small sovereign states and that could happen, I do think they we are all headed for a world revolution at some point in my and your lifetime.

We all know that prison, welfare and healthcare could use reform but at what cost? This ultimately leads to bigger government and fiscal waste.

I know the prison system in other countries in parts of Europe and the Federation of Russia are more effective and run more efficiently than the U.S. but I believe that has to do with cultural differences and socialization.

I welcome your thoughts...

Posts: 102
Etzel: impressed. what is your background?

1. Actually ppl dont have to be good to want the ideal solution. The guy who teaches real estate to help ppl retire as millionaires does not run it for charity. Yet it does more to empower ppl to break out of the poverty mentality. The same solution appeals even out of selfish human greed. The real barrier factor is FEAR fear of change. I agree that stops himanity from progress. The key is working first with ones ready for change now, and they in turn will help othets later. Thst is how all the best groups grow sustainably to the point now where more of the models can go public and have 10 20 to 30 years of track record to prove they work so more ppl will research and try them.

2. The way to reduce costs of prisons and health care is to require financial restitution or labor for past abuses of tax money, and use that credit or capital to fund the sustainable reforms. There are working models of labor backed currency to ease the transition grom debts owed to taxpayers for crimes or govt waste or corporate abuses into financing development to stabilize economies.

We have tons of lawyers and law schools producing more graduates. Why not put them to work paying them 10 to 20% commission to collect on behalf of taxpayers and negotiate loan and payment plans to get debts and damages paid back insyead of charging us more?

Once wr have accountability then wrongs will be deterred. We have to stop rewarding waste and abuse. Start assessing what weve paid for and redirect funds toward corrective programs instead.

3. Also organizing by Party to implement solutions. Instead of wasting billions of dollars competing and bullying each other, assign parties and leaders to fund and manage their own solutions directly. So they are motivated to succeed by focusing on what they each dobest.

Posts: 1404
Etzel: impressed. what is your background?


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