I did search on that psychforum website and posted one sample reply to you. That site is highly moderated including no links allowed (not sure what else can get you banned).
If my msg doesn't get past the moderators, here is a copy below of what I tried to post to you:
Etzel if you decide to post here instead where there is no moderation, longer detailed msgs and posts may be better if you start new threads, since other members prefer shorter posts on their threads.
Topics like this clearly need more room to go into elaborate detail for technical analysis and replies like yours.
What is your feedback about the psychforum? Or other sites. How heavy is the moderation?
Hi Etzel: Just a heads up to signal I found you ok on this huge site.
(A) As for suicide, I look at what CAUSED the person to lose the will to live.
Was it cutting off the life force, by depression.
Was it a surge from anger.
Was it unbearable pain or torment where the only thoughts were of death as an escape.
And what CAUSED this imbalance in the life energy and network, why didn't the person have support where it built up too much?
This is like looking at what causes a hemorrhage or bleeding out, versus what causes circulation of blood to be cut off where the body dies either way.
If you look at it objectively, as cause and effect, there is no need for "judgment" on the person
(B) when people do want to blame someone for suicide
I compare this with when a robbery or rape happens, and people want to blame the victim
for "letting the robber or rapist" get to them in the first place
Other people just blame the robber or rapist, no matter if the victim was weak or vulnerable or not
In the case of suicide, the "robber" that robs the person of the will to live is something intangible.
It is in the spirit, like you seem to call "being weak"
So again, what in the spirit CAUSES the person to be weak
what in the spirit CAUSES the person to be able to overcome and "fight off" the invisible
"robber" that is killing their will to live? either using anger or depression or pain etc. as a "weapon"
By looking at the 'causes and effects' I see no need to pass judgment on people as weak.
Whatever causes the weakness can be fixed, so why not focus on that?