To leave serious threads alone....
People had a go at me for creating stupid puppets to attack Luna when I was angry at her and they were right. What I did was childish. I let my anger get the better of me. So, I can say with all legitimacy that creating puppets like yours is childish.
If you have an issue with someone, deal with it on your main account. Take the mature approach and figure out the issue that needs to be resolved, rather than resorting to childish puppets.
I'm assuming there is an issue because you've been spamming the forum for hours, but if you're only doing this out of boredom, then you are seriously screwed up.
I'm bored almost all the fucking time. You don't see me creating stupid little puppets and spamming the forum to amuse myself.
Thrill, if you want to start an erotic story thread,
the account for "Story Time" (with the pinup girl on the avatar) is Story Time, STSWstsw
You can change the icon if you like. Or create your own account if you don't want to share.
For other stories the account for "Story Book" (with the ANTI social book cover) is Story Book SBSWsbsw.
Wilful do you want to start a story? Or do you want me to post that candy house to start a Hansel and Gretel story?
TK and Hypercube did more to help you. When everyone online supported talking this out with you, it worked.
When others come back, and start "griping about me talking with you," then the conflict triangulates all over again.
And you can't resist jumping in and "playing off that chaos." Where people blame me who they know will listen.
And keep reinforcing the idea that you won't, which Hypercube showed that wasn't true.
Until we are all on the same page, you purposely play this game that incites "other people against each other."
I guess that's your job to do it this way. I'd rather we all agree to stick to creative ways, like your story ideas.
That was really good, and I hope you won't give up on that!
He can stick to his own threads and deserves to be heard if he has issues with people he's willing to discuss.
We can do both. Talk to him on his threads. And bump the other threads that are on topic at the same time.
Takes getting used to but if everyone does this, it'll be fine. And the issues with ppl will get worked out too. thanks!