The only thing I miss is an ignore function. I do think an unmoderated forum needs it.
Anyway, OVERALL there is less conflict here, less hatred and less bad behavior compared to moderated forums. Although when it is moderated it's not out in the open. Like say member A dislikes member J and member A is friends with moderator D. J makes a comment within the rules to A. A gets upset. A gets D to delete J's post. J asks why and doesn't get a reply. J asks again and is told by D if J ever argues again J will be banned. A then makes a lot of snide comments to J. J tells mods of this and D tells J not to bother them or J will be banned.
All that nice stuff....
I think a lot of this triangulated conflict might better be resolved using PM. Instead of posting threads in public or on chat where ppl take sides or get defensive. most successful conflict resolution is one on one, one person at a time, usually in private and maybe with support of 1-2 mutual friends who seek resolution to restore stable relations. Harder to do this in front of others taking sides.