"I'm guessing you don't read many of my posts. If you did, you'd see that murder is not the only thing I discuss here, nor have I ever indicated that I think I'm intimidating or scary. That's your opinion, not fact."
I never said most of your posts were like this, but whenever you can inject something about murder into a thread, you do it, and you go on about how you would kill regardless of who it is. "Who fucking cares if they deserve it or not", or something along the lines of that.
You obviously must, to some degree, think you're intimidating because you've replied to people like Luna with statements along the lines of "do it or I'll make you regret it". You're either too easily angered over forum posts, or you are deluded enough to think anyone finds you the least be scary.
"At no stage did I say I want someone to choose a completely fucked up character to compare to me. That's your assumption and it's wrong. Personally, I don't think I'm fucked up at all."
You said were interested to hear what sort of character someone would compare to you, and yes I am assuming, but considering how you carry yourself on this forum, I'd say that it's not an irrational assumption to make.
You don't think you're fucked up at all? You've claimed to have killed people, even though after you said this when people told you to watch what you say, you said "they can't prove shit, what if I'm full of shit?".
You've claimed that you'd not need any reason to kill, or even think about who deserves it, just that you'd do it if you could get away with it. Whether or not you're being sincere, you're fucked up for posting it. You're either being serious, or you're just trying to boost your pathetic ego by making yourself look fucked up to everyone else.
"You clearly do or you wouldn't have bothered with this whiny post".
I was just amused by the fact that you of all people would try to organise a skype chat, and pointing out why I think you'd not at all be a person someone would want to talk to.
I'm not saying I'm more interesting, and you can say the same about me if you wish.
"Yes, I always figured you were a bit of a pussy. Well, have fun playing with 8 year old kids.
The rest of us more mature folk will have our interesting skype chats without you."
Rofl. Calling someone a pussy and condescending throughout your post then claiming to be more mature.
Irony at it's best.