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What do you do when someone calls you crying looking for compassion?

Posts: 102

I just can't feel anything about it. A bit pissed off I hate talking. I can't empathsize. I don't know how to pretend I care.

Posts: 2876
What do you do when someone calls you crying looking for compassion?

if you don't know how to "pretend care" than chances are you're an idiot, and noone here can help you.

Posts: 1259
What do you do when someone calls you crying looking for compassion?

"There, there."

Posts: 154
What do you do when someone calls you crying looking for compassion?

Try to find excuses to escape! I do the same thing when I find out someone is dying or going to die, I get the hell out of Dodge!!

Posts: 10218
What do you do when someone calls you crying looking for compassion?

"Tough love" has been my go to tactic. My "not responding" to their tears and giving motivational pep talks and prying questions based on their character flaws have people like me for "being able to put up with their shit and try to solve things". By the end of it all, they feel as if they're stronger and I've gathered a few nuggets of influence and some more tidbits of their back story I can save for a rainy day.

They end up thinking I'm above being emotional, instead choosing to use reason to try to fix it instead of just enabling it by playing along and saying what they want to hear, as opposed to seeing how it actually is: more unnatural and a greater effort to act like they're behaving. A few empaths have referred to me as a "vacation from emotion".

Posts: 7645
What do you do when someone calls you crying looking for compassion?

Nobody calls me looking for compassion. They know better than to do that.

Posts: 31
What do you do when someone calls you crying looking for compassion?

I feel for you, buddy, I hate when ppl do that to me!

JK I have the opposite problem of you. I have to work to set aside mygrief and focus objectively if Im going to be any help at all.


Can you respond with a general statement. Like tell them theyre handling this as best as can be expected. Or that you would have burned down someones house and gotten arrested. So next to you they are taking it well. 

Posts: 102
What do you do when someone calls you crying looking for compassion?

Just yelled at her instead. Just burned with anger again tonight. In no mood for sympathy.

Posts: 821
What do you do when someone calls you crying looking for compassion?

Can you tell her that? That you don't know what to say. That you can't imagine what she feels?

To me, it would be more helpful to hear that, then to make someone angry or yell at me. 

Some people are more "emotional" than others. If people tell me things that I don't relate to, I just tell them "i am sorry and I don't understand."


Posts: 588
What do you do when someone calls you crying looking for compassion?

lol - you need called id. 

10 / 14 posts
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