Bahahahaa! Great pic, that's us alright. Although his other old avatar, with Jesus the sepherd guarding over the sheep, was even more sickening to me.
even better :D
probably, how old are you?
gwt on the floor and bend over bend over bitch...
oh so youre not that much older, just 1 year, give or take a few months. and hoooly shit, jhawk misspelled get. :O y'd yeh duu thet Jhwek?
i get the shakespeare referance but not the other one. and one year makes oedipus a bit of a stretch, but okay lol. let me just get my toga, or a hoplite costume
More like P90X with breathing exercises... I'll be pumping my cock in your pussy for cardio while I choke you from behind...
Good, that will make raping you way more fun...
Jus wait till I start donkey punching you...