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Pleased to meet you

Posts: 18

Hello all,

I have joined this forum after a recommendation from a real life friend who visits here. I was a member of psychforums up until recently when I decided it had run its course. My friend says this is an unmoderated forum with the occasional narcissistic outburst from its owner but on the whole, it is relatively civil.

I have not been diagnosted which anything specifically but my friends would say that I am a big fuckoff psychopath but, to me atleast, this isnt the case at all. I do love yet I can be cold. I do manipulate yet I can be the kindest person you would ever wish to meet. I do lie, cheat and steal yet I would give you my last rolo in addition o the steam off my shit, if I liked you. You could say that I am fucked off "contradiction pd" in a category all of his own. 

That is about it for now but if I like the place I do indend on telling you guys more. 

What do I think I am in terms of a personality disorder? I would probably say a narcissistic low life prick who needs to get a mother fucking life and stop visiting internet forums.  But hey, who am I to judge.

So nice to meet you all and for fun, please say what pd you think you have and the pd of your sw online friends. I dont intend to cause any online wars, it is simply a bit of fun.

Peace out,


Posts: 956
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Posts: 2876
Pleased to meet you

welcome zeus!

Posts: 18
Pleased to meet you

Is this the general level of intelligence around here or are you the sw class clown in need of some cuddles?

It's ok, you can have one from me if you like? I don't bite.

Posts: 821
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You might just be an asshole. I hear that is going around. I like your lightening bolt, though. :)


I am bipolar, OCPD and a mish mash of everything when I am hypomanic or manic. 

My only diagnosis is bipolar.


Posts: 956
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I would just LOVE a cuddle dear Zeus, but I do prefer if you would bite, please.

Posts: 18
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Thank you 

Posts: 18
Pleased to meet you

Thank you 

You may just be onto something there in your asshole assessment. I often get told I'm full of shit so...

Bipolar nice. 

If we speak in future, don't forget to give me mood spoilers so i can appropriate myself in the correct way ;)

You seem cool. 

Are you a guy or a girl?


Posts: 18
Pleased to meet you

Class clown you can have a cuddle anyday. What's your email address?

My teeth are venomous ;)

Posts: 1
Pleased to meet you


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